The Town of Webb Snowmobile Trail System is officially closed for safety reasons. The remaining base and coverage has deteriorated completely. Access gates at the trailheads have been closed.
It is almost certain that the trails will not reopen. Many of trails are bare. Forecasted snow showers next week show no accumulation, following warm temps and more rain. Also, most of the Webb trails are either on, or accessed by crossing leased lands. For legal and liability purposes, the land owner must first approve any decision to reopen the trails. Brantingham and Forestport trails were closed previously.
Caution: Riding lake ice is not safe
It is important to note that we NEVER recommend riding on lakes or ponds, as our snowmobile trails DO NOT cross lakes, and lakes are NOT part of our trail system.
Definitions for our trail report:
GREAT: Smooth trails (you should be here)
GOOD: Bumps in the groove (inside of the turn) only
FAIR: Bumps across the whole turn and some straight-aways also; Grooming may be limited by temperatures and/or snow conditions.
MARGINAL: Minimum coverage; May be bare spots; unable to groom due to warm temperatures and/or snow conditions.
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